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Christy De Guzman Aliwalas
October 17, 1968 - February 6, 2015
<div itemprop="description">My mom Christy was only 46 when she passed away unexpectedly on the 6th of February. She was diagnosed with endometrial cancer on the 26th of January. I wish that we had more time to spend together. Even though I know that her passing brought upon peace and that her struggles are at an end, her passing brings sadness. Although she is gone, she has left a legacy of love and kindness. The ways that she touched our lives will always remain, and I ask that we keep those memories alive by sharing them with one another. <br /> <br />One thing that I remember about my mom was always how selfless she was. She also had a need to please and would always go out of her way to make others happy. I remember the countless dollars she spent on little toys and pokemon and yugioh and clothes, or whatever it was that I wanted, all without complaint, because she knew that it made me happy. She would put up with watching sports and action movies on TV, and miss the Grammys or the Victoria&rsquo;s Secret fashion show, and any other number of programs she wanted to watch, because she knew that it made my father happy. <br /> <br />She was also a huge believer in hard work, and she was a huge influence on me going to school and finishing it. She always knew what was the best for me, although I didn&rsquo;t know it at the time. I know that her dream of me becoming a doctor will probably not come true, but I will always remember how proud she was when I graduated from university whenever I have trouble at school. <br /> <br />Being my mom&rsquo;s only son, I always had my mom and my dad to look up to and hang out with. But it was usually the three of us who would go on adventures. I remember countless trips to the mall, to Buffalo, and as I got older, it became trips to the casino, not to gamble, but so that we could watch what my dad do what he called &ldquo;gambling&rdquo;. Mom and I called it &ldquo;losing&rdquo;. <br /> <br />Mom always brought so much joy to those around her. Dad always said that &ldquo;Once your mom leaves a room, the people inside it remember her. She leaves a mark on those that she interacts with.&rdquo; Now that my mom is in heaven, we remember the example that she left for all of us to follow. Love your family. Show that love to your family. Help those who need it. Be humble. Smile. <br /> <br />Knowing how much her family meant to her, and how much spending time with her family meant to her as well, I think it is a blessing that she was able to spend time with everyone. Not only myself and my dad, but with her sisters and brothers; most notably my tito boy who she hadn&rsquo;t seen in more than 30 years, and is only in Canada as a visitor. The wonderful example she left for us to follow and the love she showed to all of us will live on and be with us even now that she has gone to be with God. <br /> <br />It&rsquo;s hard to say goodbye. However, I don&rsquo;t think that this is goodbye. We have lost family members and friends over the years, but I am comforted by the fact that mom is in heaven sharing her gift of kindness and continuing her legacy of always having a smile on, no matter how hard life comes at you. We&rsquo;ll miss you mom, and we&rsquo;ll hold you in our hearts forever. <br /> <br />By Mark Anthony Aliwalas <br /></div>
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Other commemerative products available for purchase include:
  • A Keepsake Book

  • Best Regards,

    Highland Funeral Home & Cremation Centre – Scarborough Chapel
